Intercom Etiquette

Dos and Don’ts for Visitors and Residents

Intercom etiquette is something important. It makes sure that the communication between visitors and residents runs as smoothly as it should. Communication is all about building good rapport. In that respect, this blog post explains the dos and don’ts of intercom etiquette and extends valuable tips to both visitors and residents for positive and respectful interactions.

First, there is clarity. While on the intercom, one should speak clearly and briefly, excluding all the background noise and distractions that may be around the entrance. This will ensure effective delivery of information to avoid misconceptions and miscommunications. Enunciate your words, do not speak too fast, and do not mumbling or use filler words.

Second, respect is very important in intercom communication. Guests should introduce themselves and state the purpose of the visit, while residents should respond to them with a prompt and courteous manner to set the base for a polite and respectful conversation. Use formal salutations such as “Hello” or “Good morning.” If possible, address the resident by last name and title.

Thirdly, courtesy words and avoidance of slang or jargon create friendliness and respect. One should avoid abbreviations, or technical terms that may be unfamiliar to others. Instead try using  simple and straightforward language that ensures clear understanding

Fourthly, appear presentable and behave well. Visitors should dress nicely and be clean. Residents should be welcoming and helpful.

Overall, intercom etiquette is respect and politeness. Therefore, keep the conversations short and sweet, and don’t interrupt or talk too much.


– To speak clearly, loud enough
– Identify oneself, state your name, and for what purpose being there
– Use nicety words
– Be polite and have respect
– Look decent, behave well
– Be informative, welcoming


– Background noise/distracting sound
– Being impolite, mean
– Snubbing, delaying of answers
– Interrupting, speaking too much
– Use slang or jargon that others might not understand – Look messy or unkempt

Intercom etiquette helps establish good rapport between the visitor and resident. Observe the dos and don’ts of it, so this will be effective, respectful communication in order to make one’s environment welcoming to all. As I remind you, intercom etiquette does not only show how well one can communicate with another but shows respect, understanding, and humbleness to the other one as well.